Benefits of Baby Massage with Massage Oil: When to Start Baby Massage?
Ouch! This hurts mom- definitely babies turn cranky whenever you try to give them nourishing rubs. Certainly, the benefits of baby massage with the right massage oil are essential. Indeed, with each gentle stroke, you wish to nourish the delicate skin with the best. But, if you aren’t massaging your newborn- then you are surely missing out on immensely benefiting things for both. Yes! Baby massage helps both mother and the baby but primarily it gives miraculous health assistance to the little one.
Whether it is the grandparents doing it or you by yourself- massaging a baby is one of the crucial steps in their physical development. So, if have not been doing it lately then by the end of this reading aid- you’ll surely start-up beginning that from the next morning.
When to massage a baby? What is the right time?-
To be honest, there isn’t any right age to begin massaging a baby. However, beginning soon after their birth, when they are about 1 month old isn’t any loss. While at the same time, mothers have the question- when to start oil massage for a newborn baby? They have the apprehension of either oil massaging the baby at night or in the morning.
Ideally, the answer depends on whenever the baby is ready to be massaged. But, massaging the baby after a bath for a good 25-30 minutes is essential. Massages aid in relaxing a baby and putting them to sleep.
Benefits of Massaging a Baby-
Did you know? Massaging a baby promotes healthy bonding between the mom and baby. As you talk, pronounce words, produce sounds, give expressions, and prominently touch them. Well! These are to name a few but here are the major benefits of massaging a baby-
- Creates a stronger bond between mother and child
- Strengthens bones
- Eases out skin irritations
- Calms the baby & promotes sleep
- Helps them gain weight
- Supports the nervous system
- Fortifies muscles of the newborn
- Strengthens respiratory & circulatory systems
- Moisturizes the delicate skin
- Keeps dryness skin issues at bay
- Strengths their bones
- Boosts their immune system
- Reduces gas & digestive issues
- Reduces pain, if any
- Tones their body
No doubt, the foremost advantage of massaging a baby is keeping the hydration intact in their skin. A newborn’s skin is prone & vulnerable to the environmental conditions outside the womb. Indeed, it takes time to adjust to surroundings which is why striking gentle hands on their body is vital.
In addition, massaging babies with the right massage oil is to start with. Further, it moisturizes delicate skin well & creates a barrier to prevent dry skin conditions. Moreover, for babies who are cranky and colicky- massages are a great source to relax & calm them down.
Tips to Massage a Baby-
- Make sure the baby is awake
- Be sure of the room temperature- it should be warm & quiet
- Use baby oil for better massage & gentle strokes
- Lay the baby facing up
- Put the baby on a soft towel
- Use your palms & fingers gently
Things to Remember-
Basically, there is a particular direction to follow massaging a baby. Always keep gentle, clockwise, and circular strokes. It is to keep a check on avoiding the baby’s belly area if the cord area hasn’t recovered yet. Be light on the areas of the nipples & stomach.
Directions to Massage a Baby
Start with the legs, belly, arm, neck, and face. For babies who have colic or gas issues, you can always massage their bellies with light hands for 25-30 seconds. Then, followed by putting the knees up to the belly for half a minute. You can repeat it a couple of times gently to avoid any pain.
To The Bottom Line-
Rubbing the baby through an oil massage session is the best time to bond with the baby. Indeed, it is essential to give them relief against pains such as colic, gas relief, skin issues, crankiness, and more. However, be mindful of your baby’s mood, the right baby oil, and the technique of massaging them.
Happy Skin Nourishment!